Thursday, May 26, 2011

Images of Utah

A few images from the Utah scrapbook:
This year's crop of calves, lambs, and foals are catching their first glimpses of daylight in pastures up and down the valleys. There are also "real" cowboys tending the herds. Not all the cowboys ride horses, however -- we also saw some rounding up their cattle on ATVs.

We are staying outside a small town with a great name for their ice cream place:
This town even has a drive-in that is still showing movies! The current movie is Fast Five. But dark comes late this time of year, so the show doesn't start until 9:15. Going to a drive-in sounded like loads of retro fun, but for geezers like us it's way too close to our bedtime!
And in a neighboring town we found this liquor store. Utah restricts liquor sales to state-owned stores, and there are very few of them. This tiny store handles the liquor needs of three towns. And it has received its closing orders.
Quirky as some things in the area seem to us, we can't deny the just-plain-gorgeousness of the scenery:


The Good Luck Duck said...

What did that poor, tiny store do to get shut down? I suppose I will have to haul in my own liquor needs?


O.B. Sirius said...

I think the poor store actually sold liquor. For shame! They said the State was opening a new store "by Flying J," and closing down a few others.
By the way, I've been reading your blog regularly, and love it.